Hot Chocolate & Saying Hello!

 It's only fitting if my very first blog post includes my home-made hot chocolate recipe. This is Hats, Boots, & Chocolate, after all. So here's the recipe, and then we'll see if I've got anything more to say. 

For 8 ounces of water, mix 1/32 tsp of stevia extract, 2 tsp of cacao powder, 1/4 tsp of lecithin, 2 tsp of coconut water powder, and 2 tsp of coconut oil at the bottom of your cup. Add the hot water, stir it up, and drink. 

So where did this recipe come from? 

Well, I work at Thanksgiving Point. And this year, I volunteered to help out at Luminaria--which is essentially a long Christmas-time walk through the Ashton Gardens, surrounded by amazing Christmas lights and decorations, with a side of real, live reindeer.

Since I'm working at Luminaria, I have been offered as much free hot chocolate and treats as I want. Unfortunately, the hot chocolate mix I'll be offered won't be particularly wholesome, so I decided to make my own version that could serve as both a warming drink and a healthy snack at the same time.

The cool thing about this hot chocolate mix is that, in cold weather, it'll solidify into a hard, non-messy lump I can put in a plastic bag and tuck into my pocket. It's usually really tricky to add coconut oil to anything without getting a gooey, messy mixture; but outside, in the cold of winter, this will stay hard all the way until I drop it into my hot water. That's the idea, anyway. 

If you're wondering why I wanted coconut oil in my hot chocolate in the first place, it's because coconut oil is extremely high in calories and nutrition, which can be accessed almost immediately after you eat it and which fuels your body for a long time afterward. Also, it helps negate the dry skin that inevitably comes during our chilly, dry desert winters. All of that makes my recipe an incredibly tasty, nutritious win. 

Setting all that aside, welcome to my blog! On here, I'll be announcing updates on the fantasy novels I'm writing, offer writing advice for any newbies in the craft, philosophize about a great many subjects, and share any recipes, ideas, or random facts that strike my fancy. I hope you can find some benefit in what I have to say!


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