Herb Spotlight: Nettle
Welcome back! Today I'm starting yet another new series, this time about various different herbs, why I love them and think they're cool, and a few different ways they can be used. Today's spotlight is the stinging nettle, Latin name Urtica dioica. I know. Since when did anybody like stinging nettles? But as careful as I am when considering the nettles growing in my sister's herb garden, when I started doing research into them for story purposes, I couldn't help but fall in love. So what do nettles do, anyway? According to Herbs and Old Time Remedies (lovingly and somewhat mockingly called 'Elia's favorite book' by my sister, because I reference it so often), nettle is a valuable source of food. When used as a pot herb, or steamed and added to a salad, the nettle's stinging hairs get softened by the hot water so they can't sting you anymore, making it much more convenient to acc...