In the Spirit of Goofy: AI-Generated Images
Are the following images art? That's a debate that exists, but I don't want to get into it. I'm mostly writing today because I wanted to see what a computer program would do with the prompt I gave it, and the results were pretty funny. Does it have the same spirit and soul as human-made art? I guess it depends on your perspective. But at the very least, come and enjoy the goof with me as we explore this bizarre, relatively unknown medium. And, even better, at the end of this post I'll share two of my own (admittedly pretty amateur) drawings, because at LTUE, I went to about four different presentations by (I think) three different people that all mentioned the concept of a writer's/artist's notebook, and at the presentation on how to use one of these, I was instructed to expand beyond my normal medium. The two drawings I'll share are the result. :) The Prompt: An ice dragon and a Siberian tiger at lunch in a cozy, herb-themed cafe. ...