I Feel Dumb.
I have a reputation for being super early. It's not uncommon for me to show up at work 30 minutes before my shift actually starts, or to be in the classroom 20 minutes before my professor arrives, or to show up for a D&D session 30 minutes before everyone else is due to arrive. I am an early bird, and I've caught a lot of worms.
Tonight, though? Tonight takes the cake.
See, there's this country-themed church dance I wanted to go to. It was to start at 8:30 pm and continue until 11:00, and I didn't decide that I wanted to go until 9:30. For once, I wasn't going to be absurdly early.
... We're authors around here. We know that it's never--and I repeat, never--that simple.
See, I'm a tiny bit ADHD. I'm also a teeny bit dyslexic (And I mean that quite unsarcastically). For the most part, my brain functions perfectly!
But tonight? Hoo, boy! Tonight my brain shorted out completely, leaving me wondering how I'd been stood up by an entire multi-stake church dance.
Turns out, nobody stood me up except for me, because rather than the dance happening on April 4th from 8:30-11:00, it is actually happening on May 4th from 8:30-11:00. My brain did a massive stupid, read May as April at least 3 times over the course of the last few weeks, and sent me on a wild goose chase for a dance one month into the future.
I have a reputation for being super early--but not this early.
So, sitting here with my pride in shambles and trying to figure out what to do with myself now that I've proven to be too early once too often, I just hope that you can laugh at me--and that, when May 4th comes, I can laugh at me, too.
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