Walking Barefoot
In my last post, I mentioned I'd give some tips for anybody considering walking barefoot for the first time. So, here they are! :) 1. If you're the sort of person who wears shoes inside the house, start there. Take your shoes off when you're inside your home and get used to the feeling of feeling the different textures of carpet and tile beneath your toes. 2. If you're the sort of person who avoids wearing shoes inside the house, start on your lawn, if you have one. Grass is one of the most forgiving outdoor surfaces to start going barefoot on, and you'll want to get your feet used to that first. It's relatively rough compared to carpet, but still so much gentler on the feet than going straight to concrete. You will want to watch where you step if your yard tends to have twigs or pine needles in it, though--I've been going barefoot for years, and I still avoid the lawn directly around our spruce trees. 2.5. If you live near a beach...