I was talking with my sister and her husband the other day, and we hit on an idea that I hadn't thought about much before, so I wanted to share it here and get some other folks' thoughts. Have you ever thought about how, in America's more and more individualistic culture, there are a lot of people who all look really similar in the way they act and dress? Take a high school, for example: even to an uninitiated person like me who doesn't care much about school politics, when I was walking the halls of the high school, I still knew about which cliques different people belonged to based on how they dressed and acted. I couldn't have told you what the cliques were, but had you lined up a bunch of kids in the school I think I could have worked out with reasonable confidence which ones were in similar groups. My brother-in-law suggested that perhaps part of the reason why this is is because of the way we're taught to make friends. I've been work...