
Showing posts from April, 2024

End-of-April Status Update

    I promise I have not dropped off the face of the earth. I have, however, been rather busy. For your information, here is a short list of my adventures:     1. The last two weeks, I've had finals. During which time I had to do a massive overhaul on my research paper for English 2010... in two days. I also had a couple of smaller papers to write for Philosophy, some art to do for my English companion piece, and a Philosophy final exam to complete. Most of it wasn't too hard, but with it all added together I didn't have the brain cells to do all that and blog all at once. :)     2. On the Saturday my English 2010 research paper was due (April 20th), I took my sister to a play she's wanted to see for years as a very late birthday gift. However, on the way there, my car ran out of coolant, overheated, and died. Both the radiator and the head gasket were out, and there were a bunch of other repairs to do while the mechanic had the engine taken apart so we got...

I Feel Dumb.

    I have a reputation for being super early. It's not uncommon for me to show up at work 30 minutes before my shift actually starts, or to be in the classroom 20 minutes before my professor arrives, or to show up for a D&D session 30 minutes before everyone else is due to arrive. I am an early bird, and I've caught a lot  of worms.     Tonight, though? Tonight takes the cake.     See, there's this country-themed church dance I wanted to go to. It was to start at 8:30 pm and continue until 11:00, and I didn't decide that I wanted to go until 9:30. For once, I wasn't going to be absurdly early.     ... We're authors around here. We know that it's never--and I repeat, never --that simple.     See, I'm a tiny bit ADHD. I'm also a teeny  bit dyslexic (And I mean that quite unsarcastically). For the most part, my brain functions perfectly!     But tonight? Hoo, boy! Tonight my brain shorted out completely, leaving me ...

April '24 FWSG

    Welcome back to the Frustrated Writer Support Group! If you've got anything you want to complain about/celebrate/mention about a project you're working on, a convention you're going to, etc. go ahead and let me know! Who knows, maybe I'll have something useful to say. ;)